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Artificial Sweeteners: 0-Calorie and Sugar-Free, but at what cost?

0-calorie always became a dream-come-true for many soft drinks lovers. For them, it means guilt-free unlimited consumption of those tasty fizzy drinks. But have you really wondered what side effects these substance may play upon our body? Let's find out.

Artificial sweeteners have become a staple in the food manufacturing business, infiltrating hundreds of foods we see every day at the grocery store, and they generally go by numerous aliases such as

  • non-nutritive sweeteners,

  • non -caloric sweeteners, and

  • non-caloric high-intensity sweeteners

By offering the taste of sweetness without any calories, artificial sweeteners seem like they could be one answer to reduce their sugar intake yet give them the sugar-high they want. A 12-ounce can of sugar-sweetened soda has around 150 calories, nearly all of which are from sugar. The same amount of diet soda — ZERO calories. The option appears to be a no-brainer!

But are artificial sweeteners a better alternative?

Although previously thought to be safe and approved by the FDA, research shows artificial sweeteners may not be as harmless as originally believed. Many studies and researches now suggest they may be harmful. A growing number of Google searches for terms like "top 10 dangers of artificial sweeteners," "artificial sweeteners safe or unsafe," "severe side effects of artificial sweeteners," "what happens when you stop using artificial sweeteners," and "calorie-free sweeteners harmful for you" have become popular.

Let's see how zero-calorie sweeteners affect our health. You'll be surprised.

They Are Harmful To Our Nervous Systems

Toxic to the brain? That's the allegation made by a supposed new study on artificial sweeteners! Because our systems cannot readily digest artificial sweeteners, if they remain in the body for an extended period of time, they go to the brain, where they function as a neurotoxic, attacking neurons and cerebellum, which regulates the spinal cord and other brain areas involved in movement.

They Can Distort our Sense of Taste

Artificial sweeteners are said to be sweeter than sugar by 200 to 2000 times. Because they contain excessive amounts of sweetness compared to natural sweeteners and are synthetic, they can damage our taste receptors and alter them to become used to high sweetness levels.

And Lower Our Metabolism

Artificial sweeteners cannot be digested since our bodies do not recognize synthetic substances that enter our guts. This implies that it will remain in our digestive systems and have an impact on our metabolism. In other words, artificial sweeteners can upset our bodies' insulin and glucagon levels, making us feel hungry sooner and causing us to overindulge.

Which Can Lead to Diabetes & Other Diseases

When our taste receptors have been accustomed to the sweet flavor of artificial sweeteners, the natural sweetness of food will taste bland, prompting you to seek for foods with excessive sweetness levels. If we do not exercise self-control, our sugar intake will rise rather than decrease, and this habit can lead to diabetes and other diseases.

Commercial 0-calorie sweeteners
Commercial 0-calorie sweeteners

As Well As Gastrointestinal Issues

While artificial sweeteners may induce bloating and discomfort, they can also make our bodies less prone to absorbing nutrients from our food. The immune system will be weakened due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. Chronic inflammatory diseases are a risk if you have certain medical problems.

They Are also Dangerous to Fetuses

Artificial sweeteners may harm the development of the fetus if consumed by the mother. Because it is synthetic and has unsettling effects on adults, the unborn child may be even more susceptible to its harmful effects. When ingested by fetuses, this may be fatal since they lack the ability to repair and protect themselves like adults do. If not taken in moderation and as directed by a doctor, this may result in problems during delivery, illness, or a miscarriage.

Final thoughts: Both natural sweetener and artificial sweetener are physiologically and mentally addictive. A sweetener's labeling as "no calories or sugar" does not imply it is. Because sugar has a synthetic effect on our taste receptors and bodies, chances are you’ll be unwittingly ingesting more chemicals. If you can't avoid sugar, the best advice we can provide is to eat it in moderation, exercise regularly, and cleanse your stomach on a regular basis.

Jamulogy's Turmeric Ginger Tamarind Indonesian Style Jamu
Jamulogy's Turmeric Ginger Tamarind Indonesian Style Jamu

If you're wondering how you can cleanse your stomach and gut, we suggest trying our Tamarind Jamu.

This mix is ideal for turmeric novices, since it has a plethora of benefits from organic turmeric, ginger, and tamarind. With a hint of spice, it has a moderate sweet and sour flavor that helps to improve immunity while also cleaning the stomach and digestive system. We selected honey over zero-calorie sweeteners because raw honey is a natural source of healthful sugar that is recommended by many nutritionists, and because honey has several health advantages. Drinking our Tamarind jamu regularly can help you reap the advantages of honey while maintaining good gut health.

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